Limit Switch as Relay on servo in Mission Planner

Is it possible to use a limit switch as a relay to a servo. The switch I had in mind was something like thinmg like this:
I want to use the limit switch to stop a servo winch from unwinding when the load hits the ground but still allows me to wind it back up. I have no experience writing LUA scrips. hoing there is a simpl solution.

Well, it means that you need at least two wires with the payload cable, and also need a limit switch at the upper end to know how much cable you need to rewind…
Or you need a winch that has a known length/time/speed and a rangefinder onboard can provide altitude above to ground to unwind the necessary amount of cable.

To handle the switch, you need a lua script, which is relatively easy to write. If you are not into programming, there are some people around here who are happy to write it to you for a modest fee.

Whats the best process to get someone to do the LUA Script for me. I also need them to explain the hard ware configuratiion (servo plus limit switch - AUX or MAIN on the rail inc power options). I did a search but could not find a discussion group and am not sure of the rules regarding advertising for paid work or choosing the best script writer???
This is for a product that will be used commercially so more than happy to pay commercial rates.
Thanks for your response.

This is a list of trusted commercial support providers, choose from the list.

Ps. Or check the supported winch for a turn-key solution.