Lightware LW20 I2C with Pixhawk 2.1 ArduCopter 3.5.3

Hi everyone,

I got an early Christmas present. I bought myself a Lightware LW20 i2c version. I tried to follow the guide at but the sonar distance is always 0. I have double-checked and triple-checked my settings and everything seems fine. As an experiment, I connected the LW20 to a Raspberry Pi and I enabled the following stream $1,ldf­ . I can then read from the i2c bus which gives me results like these ldf,0:0.87 for example.

Does anyone else have a LW20 i2c version that works ?



Hello, I had problems with Lightware SF11 and Pixhawk 1, and recently I noted PR to fix I2C issues with it and it helped me, so either wait for new firmware or build latest yourself.


The issue with the Pixhawk 2 seems to have been resolved with changes to the code as Nikita pointed out above. I’m trying to verify it personally. I will let you know what I find.

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Hi Rob,

I compiled the master version and now the lw20 i2c works fine. Thanks Nikita for the tip.


Good to hear. It looks like this fix will make it into 3.6 and be backported to Copter 3.5 and Plane 3.8.