LIDAR SF45/B config with Cube Orange - Proximity View

Folks - Asking for some guidance. Have a fairly well tuned and working mower rover and trying to add OA using an SF45/B unit plugged into “Telem 2” and parameters adjusted accordingly.

First question:
Have the mower stationary with a 3/4" x 4" board set exactly at 2 meters ahead but facing edgewise so it only presents a 3/4" wide target to the mower.

With OA active and going to the “Ctrl/F Proximity” screen, I get the standard round Proximity view showing an obstacle at 2 meters but 40+ deg wide. I was expecting a small blip, not a huge obstacle.

Lidar was set by OEM software to sweep +/- 45 degrees at 1Hz capturing 100 pts/sec. On the bench, the OEM software will paint a room very accurately. What do I have wrong? Thanks for your time.

Webre’s Parameters - 20230211.param (14.9 KB)

OA works in segments. If an object is detected in the sector for which the LIDAR is enabled, it will fill that sector.

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