Lidar lite v3 offset value issue

Has this issue been resolved? I have just purchased a Garmin Lidar-Lite V3 with a manufacture date of 2019/02. I have used a Maxbotix sonar on a Tarot Iron man 650 with a pixhawk 2.1 Cube (Black) (Recently replaced by Profinc). I planed to replace the sonar with the Lidar-Lite V3 in I2C mode, but this discussion has given me pause. The mission for the craft is sheep herding in AltHold, and if the AP is suddenly told that Alt has jumped up, it could be very dangerous. This discussion seems to be circular among several venues and threads with no apparent resolution. Does anybody know where it stands?

I noticed you closed your PR and it was not merged. Any reason for this? I do not see your changes in master when I inspect the driver code so I assume these changes you tested were never made by any other PR.

I just did a maiden flight with a Garmin Lidar Lite V3 mfg date 2019/02 with unmodified firmware. The performance was pleasing. Over asphalt, I had no dropouts below 12m. The dropouts above 12m were significant, but I saw no jumps to high altitude. All dropouts were logged as 0m altitude. The AP was a Pixhawk Cube Black.

Another discussion of issues that may be related to the LidarLite V3: