Anyone else having the issue where setting the LGR_STARTUP value to 1 or 2 doesnt default the landing gear to that position after startup? Just want to know if there was a solution to the problem. Thanks!

Vehicle, version, does it work by deploy/retract manually ?

Pixhawk cube black. Mission planner is v4.3.6. They do work manually with a transmitter yes. But Im trying to get the gear to start in in the deploy position (LGR_STARTUP value: 2) after booting up the drone.

Sorry, I was too concise. You configure your landig gear and via the remote you issue AUX command (Langin gear) and not manipulating the servo directly, right ?

The landing gear is currently on SERVO10. Its the #2 AUX OUT pins.

I mean did you use let’s say CH7 for Landing gear control ? Or you control the servo directly from your remote ? (A param file would be helpful)

You dont need a param file. I think you may be trying to overthink this a bit. I can control the landing gear manually with the transmitter using channel 8. It really doesnt matter what channel is used. But, controlling it manually is not what Im after here. The OP was about the parameter in mission planner for LGR_STARTUP which has 3 options/values to choose from (values: 0,1 and 2. Setting the value to 2 is supposed to lower/deploy the landing gear as the default position after the pixhawk boots up, even if the landing gear is in the retract position, which its not doing. If its set to 2, it should deploy. Just trying to figure out why its not doing that.

Please post the log, preferably with logging disarmed enabled. This way we can see what is going on and how the flight controller is configured.

Goog drive link to the param log.


AUX channel overrides the default landing gear setting. So if your remote is at retracted, set LGR_STARTUP to deploy will be ignored at startup

So would the solution be to plug the landing gear into one of the MAIN OUT pins?

Nope, in your case CH8 AUX function (29 - landing gear) if the one that overriding the startup setting. It is by default, you cannot change it by replugging anything.

So then how do I fix this?

Using 3pos switch and keeping it centered during startup could work.