Large Vehicle MagCal "Command Failed to Execute"

I am currently trying to perform a compass calibration on a rather large drone and just recently noticed the Large Vehicle MagCal option and figured I’d give it a shot. However, every time I’ve tried to do it I simply get a Error window popping up with “Command failed to execute” and nothing else. The drone has a GPS lock while I’m attempting this (or at least I’m fairly certain it does) and I input the correct heading according to the compass on my phone. Mission Planner doesn’t give me any other error message so I’m not really sure where to start with debugging it. Any suggestions?

Editing to add that I am running Arducopter 4.0.6 on a pixhawk Cube orange. The drone is a hexacopter and I am using a HERE2 GPS as well. As far as I can tell my Mission planner is fully up to date on the stable version

Yes, update to ArduCopter 4.0.6. You are probably trying this out with 3.6.x (I do not know because you have not disclosed this very important information :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

Sorry about that. I am running 4.0.6 on a pixhawk Cube Orange

I’m in line with you and looking for solutions

Un-install mission planner, and install the latest MP version (do not upgrade)

same problem with MP and cube

Not sure if it will fix your problem but with Mission Planner the “latest” will be whatever installs when you select the “Check for Beta Updates” from the Help screen. Stable versions are few and far between.

Yes I unistall and re-install new version of mission planner problem continue

The latest Beta version? If that didn’t work then post in the Mission Planner thread.

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I’m facing a similar issue. Ardurover 4 but unable to calibrate the compass… any leads?

I was facing now the same problem and, searching on the web I found this old conversation related to the problem. I don’t know if you solved the problem in the meantime, anyway I just discovered that although the reply from Mission Planner is “command failed to execute” , it do the calibration. You can see it by the variation of the heading of the vehicle on the map after you entered the command (you can try to put a large wrong heading value, as a test, to make it clearly visible).

One more tip: I’m using an old Pixhawk1 with external compass (GPS/Compass unit). I just disable compass #2 (removed the check from -use this compass-) and put the checks on compass #1 field on -use this compass- and -externally mounted-.
Now i get the reply -completed- after click on -calibrate-

Yes, disabling the internal compass is very common.
You can also do a flight with plenty of Yaw and then use MagFit with the log file to check and adjust the compass parameters, including the compass/motor compensation.

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