I have used pixhawk Cube Orange, dengan fimware V.4.5 and tuning has never been a problem for me. but I’m still confused about finding the right roll, pitch, PID values so that my quadcopter is stable. using a 30" propeller and 12s battery with a frame width of 46". To try to make it stable I have lowered the value of the Roll/Pitch Sensitivity parameter by reducing it by 10% but that is the effect when in loiter mode, and when joistic pitch is played it will experience severe shaking. Please help to complete my quadcopter.
i will attach data.log
on this log I made several flights without removing the battery.
You have the bi-directional DSHOT firmware installed but only using PWM, so unless you have DHSOT-capable ESCs you can go back to the standard firmware. Parameters will remain intact.
MOT_THST_EXPO,0rings alarm bells!
You would have 0.77 for most normal ESCs with 30inch props, or probably 0.6 for T-Motor Alpha ESCs. The MOT_PWM_MAX and MOT_PWM_MIN are likely wrong.
After fixing those you will need to recheck the MOT_SPIN_ARM and MOT_SPIN_MIN values.