Took a quick look and still looking at it but i see the log is truncated. It looks like pixhawk turned off in flight. From when it start rolling to hitting the ground it takes about 2 seconds but only 0.3 are on logs.
Maybe the fast spinning somehow pulled off the power from the flight controller and that is not the cause but just an effect of the crash dynamic.
It really reminds me of the days i was trying to tune a big quad and it just kept killing itself in flight.
As said before we solved by going to Hobbywing X8. About 1000 flights later they still perform great and never seen a desync since.
I am not trying to bash on T-Motor products, as a matter of fact we have a smaller drone with a T-Motor power system (500 series) wich flies 4-5 missions a day since 2 years ago and never ever a single prob. We just didn’t have same luck on large systems from T-Motor.