I bought a Crop Sprayer frame form a Chinese company already with propulsion system and I´m not managing to adjust the PID. I´m using Cube Orange and arducopter 4.0.5. The copter is a Quad design with about 32 kg of MTOW. It has 4 DJI E5000 M10 PRO propulsion with 32" propellers. I found it quite strange since on DJI´s page (https://www.dji.com/e5000) says that the system uses R2880 propellers and my kit came with 3211 inch folding propellers. Second, I’m not sure if this ESCs use thrust linearization, so this might be a cause that my autotune results are not working (wrong initial PID settings). I´m making the autotune process with no water tank, so the copter weights about 15kg with the batteries. Roll seems not to bad, but pitch is terrible and lead to a crash witch I was lucky to film. Roll has not so much momentum in the copter frame, but pitch has a lot since batteries are on the back and all the electronics and sensors are in front. I was careful to balance the copter so that it has equilibrium in its center of gravity. I placed the LOG files and the video in this shared folder:
I appreciate if someone could give me a direction to solve this control issue.
Thank you.