Landing in FBWB


I was wondering (can’t find info about that) if it is a good idea to land in FBWB mode. I am thinking that the autopilot will always try to maintain the FBWB_MIN airspeed even when you are trying to touchdown the aircraft and slow down.

Should someone change the mode to FBWA just before landing? is there a parameter that indicates what the throttle loop will do during landing?

I usually land in Stabilize - but FBWA probably works as well.

You can use one of various ways to either kill the motor upon landing or disarm the plane. Though switching to stabilize wouldn’t be bad.

have you ever tried? I wonder the results.

I haven’t. I’ve only tried landing in FBWA which worked fine most of the time. I would like to hear more ideas about that though.

The general wisdom is you can’t (shouldn’t?) land in FBWB. Yes, you can set up a descent rate that will work but it’s going to be difficult to slow the plane down since pulling the throttle below half will only keep the plane at it’s cruise speed. Depending on the plane and it’s speeds, this could take up a lot of extra space and have an unnecessarily high landing speed. Also as pointed out, after touchdown you would need to disarm or use e-stop or switch modes to stop the propeller, rather than just pulling the throttle down as you do in FBWA.

So I guess you could land in FBWB, but to me it’s easier to just use FBWA. If you’re worried about it then set up an autoland sequence but only after the plane is tuned.

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