Ladies And Gentlemen please buy me a rowing boat and pour me a large Whisky my Tay Can has left me for the far lands

Hello my friends i am crying big floods and my dogie is trying to console me and keep me afloat as the flood waters are rising fast, This afternoon I went out with my taycan as I have done numerous times and went to were I fly,I did 1st flight general flying around checking Alt Hold,loiter and RTl all goodthis was with a 4s 2200 lipo,I then fitted a 4s Li-oN 21700 x 4200 batt on to it,took off and went to about 5 meters and switched into loiter all good a little bit windy but nothing serious,swithched into Auto Tay Can climb to 45 meters or so went to 1st then second waypoint turnd about 90 degrees then probably went 30 meters or so and turned north and just kept flying north I tried RTL but just no responce I can build an other baby craft what is breaking me is I have lost my Holybro F9P Helical RTK antena that was part of my moving base setup,will get over this and order more stuff but it is heart breaking ,one quest could the 4sx217000x4200mah Li=0n caused this to happen all my setup calibration was done on 4sx2200 lipo off to have a beer now and crymyslef to sleep lol p P/S i have really enjoyed following the Methodical Tuning Guide and will continue were I left off with an other frame learned so much from it and had some nice challenges

You probably should have done another Magfit Marty. The interference from Li-ion batteries can be pretty bad. I have flown a sub250 5" with both types and they are very different in this regard. Perhaps not on a large craft but on a small one…
No indication on live telemetry about the compass?

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Ah sorry mate any way you can find it?

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Hi Dave and Brandon,yea I never even thought about the battery it had plenty of sats and a lowish HDOP and this Methodical tuning I have taken a liking to because it is both challenging me and im learning so much from it,Brandon I think the Tay Can Is deep down in the North Sea so no chance but it is a nice quiete spot I fly from only real neagative is the RTK GPS at £440 the rest is sad but can be replace in time though most of the ellectronics were new never mind,thinking of next project and will take Dave’s advice about MagFit for different batteries and both you gents have a nice happy day

Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear that :cry:
I really enjoyed seeing you replicate our Taycan :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you Janno,I have ordered a copy of the Tay Can frame from China will try and do similar again I really like it just take little tome to get a new helical anttena,but the pain has gone and im smilling long live Ardupilot lol

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Sorry to hear that @MartyMcFly.

For the next one try it tuning it with a cheaper GNSS receiver if you have one. You can later change it by just repeating some of the tuning steps, that will be easy and fast, thank the intermediate parameter files.

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Thank you Amilcarlucas,yea will deff take your advice,and DHL have just delivered a 4inch Armattan Bobcat frame so the journey contiues untill i get the copy Taycan frame and im going to but a bungee rope on this one lol

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