Lack of ATC_ parameters, no PIDs in MP


no idea what is going on, FC Matek H743 Slim, hexacopter, latest firmware 4.3.7
Copter is flying, I did autotune successfully.
But there is no singl ATC_ paramater, checked in MP and QGround control on parameter list.
All PIDs parameters are grayed out.

I reset all parameters, resintalled AC still nothing, no ATC_

Can someone explain what is going on?

Try updating Mission Planner to latest Beta from the Help screen…

updated, no change

Are you connecting via USB or radio telemetry?

Is SERIALx_PROTOCOL for the port in use set to 2 (MAVLink 2)? That shouldn’t make a major difference to basic parameter loading, but it may help load them more cleanly.

Is set mavlink 2, but biggest issue are missing ATC_ params, look