Kakute F7 HDV - What firmware?

I have a Kakute F7 HDV I want to run arducopter on but I am unsure which firmware to use.

In the repo there is firmware for the F7 AIO and for the F7 mini. Is either appropriate?

F7 HDV spec is here: http://www.holybro.com/manual/Holybro_Kakute_F7_HDV_Manual.pdf

Which is similar to the spec of the mini, however the IMU chip is not the same.

The HDV has 7 UARTs as per the mini.

Anyone successfully got the HDV board working with arducopter?

Try the Mini target. The MPU6000 is in the Hwdef file. Load it and see what’s recognized in Mission Planners HW ID screen.

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Mini no good because the HDV has an SD card. Probably better to try the regular Kakute F7.


Both good points!

The code for the regular k7 doesn’t use all the uarts available on the HDV. Not the end of the world just makes it less plug and play with the mini esc telem on serial 7

Wonder what other variances there are. I shall try on Monday.

None, but hopefully the F7 target will work.

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