Jumper Xiake 800 Flight Controller

Mine also does not brown out but the adjustable eyelets in the linkages have some slop so the motors can move slightly if i move them back and forth. This probably does not help in q modes, the control isn’t great (not tried autotune yet)

it sounds like at least some people have planes that are flyable. I’ve put a test firmware here:
I can’t fly mine, but if someone else could fly theirs and give me a log that would be appreciated. A comparison log from the original firmware would be good too.
I’ve put an apj of the factory firmware in the same folder to make it easy to switch between them.


Hello, Tridge! I am from the Jumper RC team. Very nice to meet you! It sounds like a servo failure.

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Here is a wetransfer link that contains two test logs. Factory fw and your fw log.
WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free
https://imgur.com/cdGI9Ne Here you can see the weather conditions during the testing.
Please, do send me your full address to marketing@jumper-rc.com and let us send a replacement servo your way!
Kind regards!


@tinyspot thanks! I’ll have a look at the logs in more detail in the morning, but the good news is I can already see that the ESC RPM is working:

We should be able to use this RPM to give a better tune


I received one of these a few days ago.

I managed to get the flight controller removed from the aircraft. Here is a photo of the top of the PCB.

Here’s a photo of the bottom of the PCB and the enclosure.

Couldn’t some of the power issues reported be caused by damaged wires? I removed the nacelle from the port side wing and I found two damaged wires. The tilt servo’s wire was pinched between the plastic nacelle pieces.

The extension leading to the aileron servo had been kinked bad and looked damaged.

I took the one nacelle apart because I wanted to see the tilting mechanism. Now that I’ve seen these damaged wires, I think I should take the other nacelle apart to make sure the starboard wiring is ok.

FWIW, the tilt mechanism looks pretty good. Each pivot point uses a small set of ball bearings to smooth out the action. I think most of the tilting resistance comes from the wires to the motor.

Edit: I circled the damage area on the tilt servo wire.

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What’s the mount dims and LxW on that FC?

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The mounting holes are spaced at 30mm.

The PCB is 46.5mm long and 37mm wide. The holes are 4.2mm in diameter.


I just tested the two tilt servos with a power supply. The servos appear to draw the same amount of current (167mA) whether or not the servo drives the tilt mechanism. I didn’t measure this current very precisely. I just watched the current readout on my power supply.

Do you think the resistance you felt could have been from the servo? If not, you should probably check to see if something is binding in the tilt mechanism.

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Here’s a couple items from the product page.

The specs listed state the aircraft can use 4S packs from 1500mAh to 5000mAh. None of my 4S packs fit in the 94mm x 53mm x 32mm battery bay.

Is there really a 4S 5Ah pack which will fit in the battery bay?

I’m hoping for help with following four questions.

  1. Link to US seller (or seller with affordable shipping to the US) of an appropriately sized battery?
  2. Will the BEC be able to handle current requirements of the new DJI O3 Air Units? I have a couple O3 units on the way and I’d like to use one in the Xiake.
  3. What’s a good way to add a compass to the aircraft? I assume I can use the I2C lines on the GPS connection.
  4. What’s a good way to add an airspeed sensor? I’m guessing I2C again.

Is anyone aware of more documentation than the data available on the product page?


I tested each of the servos, and found the left tilt was the issue. With the left tilt disconnected the rest worked fine. I’ve now replaced the left tilt with another servo I had here (from an old Zohd DartXL) and everything is working:
Unfortunately we had 20 knot winds here yesterday, so I couldn’t fly, but I should be able to fly it soon.
Regarding batteries, the only 4S battery I have that fits in the bay is a 1300mAh turnigy graphene. I’m also curious where I could get a larger battery that would fit.


will it be possible to add an external Compass?

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Hi Alberto,the GPS port on the f/c has a sda and scl pins so should be o/k


4s 3000 mah lion will fit

May I ask: will the Flight Controller / BEC provide enough current on the DJI plug for an O3 air unit (9v 2a or better)?

JumperTechnology Store Vs UUUDrone Store

I purchased two of these aircraft. I ordered the one from UUUDrone on November 9. I also ordered one from JumperTechnology on November 10.

After shipping, they both cost about $314. (JumperTech’s total was sixty cents less than UUUDrone’s total.)

The JumperTech shipment arrived Nov. 23. The UUUDrone shipment arrived today (Nov. 28). The JumperTech package had an outer cardboard shipping box. The UUUDrone package had a layer of bubble wrap between the packaging paper and the foam storage box. Neither package appeared to be damaged during shipping.

The flight controller detached from the aircraft during the shipment from UUUDrone. My guess is the Idaho cold was too much for the gummy adhesive used. Here’s a photo showing the cleanly detached flight controller.

Without knowing how the flight controller was attached, I made a mess of some of the foam in the first aircraft’s flight controller.

Yes, I bought two. This allows me to feel more adventurous in testing/modifying one.

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I have two O3 on order. Once I receive one, I’ll test it out with this aircraft.

I’m almost positive the 9V BEC is on the power distribution board. If the included BEC can’t provide enough current for the O3, it shouldn’t be too hard to add a more powerful version.

I’m seriously considering removing the power management board from one of my aircraft. The way the wires connect to the board severely limits the battery size which will fit the battery bay.

I’ll post separate comment on some battery ideas.

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As I mentioned earlier, I didn’t have any 4S packs the right size to fit in the battery bay.

I decided I wanted try a variety of batteries. (I also purchased a few servos.)

I’m not sure all the packs are suitable for the Xiake. I’m not sure if all the LiIon packs can safely provide enough current.

I don’t know what sort of testing strategy I’ll use but I’m open to suggestions. Also let me know if there are certain packs I should test first.

FWIW, I have other aircraft which can use these packs. The packs will likely be used in more than just this new aircraft. I had been using a pair of 2S packs (in series) in some aircraft. It will be convenient to have proper 4S packs.

Edit: Apparently I can’t add another reply until someone else comments. Well here’s a post which I intended to add. Personally I think it belongs in a separate reply but I’m sure (at least hope) there’s a good reason for the “three sequential post limit.”

Wire Colors on ELRS Receiver

As I try to figure out the electronics on this aircraft I noticed the wires on the ELRS receiver didn’t match conventional color use.

It appears Jumper just used whichever colors were convenient (for them not us). This isn’t the first time I’ve seen red wire used on the ground connection but it’s still disappointing.

Here’s the pinout from the Jumper Aion section of the ELRS Receiver Wiring page.

Here are a couple photos of the receiver included with my aircraft.
Here’s the top(?) of the PCB:

Here’s the other side of the PCB:

As long as you use the provided flight controller and the provided wiring harness, you don’t have to worry about the wire colors.

I’m personally going to add some sort of label to warn me about the wire colors in case I swap receivers in the future.

This is another reminder not to assume the red wire is power and the black wire is ground. Double check the pinouts. It’s irritating that Jumper didn’t make the effort to use normal wire colors.


Daune thank you for this,it will help many,I am very very serious about getting a Xiake 800,as I have recently built a Heewing T1 VTOL and love it,I am kinda use to ardupilot,but what I love is autonomous flights they tick all the boxes for me,and I feel the Xiake 800 has a lot to offer as may take bigger batteries so will be watching very closely


If you’re not in a hurry, it would probably be a good idea to wait until Banggood (or similar) carries it in a local warehouse. As it is now, you’ll likely pay as much for shipping as you do the aircraft.

Of course there are no guarantees in this crazy world do it’s possible the deals available now are the best they will be. Personally, I think the aircraft will be available with more reasonably priced shipping in the future.