I received one of these a few days ago.
I managed to get the flight controller removed from the aircraft. Here is a photo of the top of the PCB.
Here’s a photo of the bottom of the PCB and the enclosure.
Couldn’t some of the power issues reported be caused by damaged wires? I removed the nacelle from the port side wing and I found two damaged wires. The tilt servo’s wire was pinched between the plastic nacelle pieces.
The extension leading to the aileron servo had been kinked bad and looked damaged.
I took the one nacelle apart because I wanted to see the tilting mechanism. Now that I’ve seen these damaged wires, I think I should take the other nacelle apart to make sure the starboard wiring is ok.
FWIW, the tilt mechanism looks pretty good. Each pivot point uses a small set of ball bearings to smooth out the action. I think most of the tilting resistance comes from the wires to the motor.
Edit: I circled the damage area on the tilt servo wire.