JSBSIM to flightGear

i’m lauching JSBSIM with ardupilot using sim_vehicle -f jsbsim:Rascal
and trying making connection with flightGear in different network
but i dont know what i have to change ?

A couple of years ago I ran 2 pcs in one local network, one with simulation of autopilot, another with Flightgear.

I cant remember what actually I did, but hoped this can help you. You should change fg_plane_view.bat in autotest folder. I had this:

CD /D D:
CD "\Games\Installed\FlightGear 2016.2.1\bin"
start fgfs ^
	--aircraft=Rascal110-JSBSim ^
	--prop:bool:/controls/gear/gear-down=false ^
	--prop:int:/sim/current-view/view-number=9 ^
	--native-fdm=socket,out,60,,5510,udp ^
	--native-ctrls=socket,out,60,,5511,udp ^
	--enable-rembrandt ^
	--disable-real-weather-fetch ^
    --wind=0@0 ^
	--timeofday=noon ^
	--lon=60.8222 ^
    --lat=56.7448 ^
    --altitude=800 ^
	--heading=271 ^
    --vc=30 ^
	--fov=66 ^
CD /D C:
CD "\cygwin64\home\%USERNAME%\ardupilot\Tools\autotest"
start cmdow flightgear /MAX 

Look at http://wiki.flightgear.org/Command_line_options for info about this start params. I assume You should change --native-fdm and --native-ctrls.