Joystick setting accept just 8 channel

I have this setting

  • Frsky RC connected to GCS using USB .
  • enable Joystick setting in MP .
  • I can Detect all the 8 channel
  • I want to send more channel from the RC but there is no option in joystick setting.
  • I am not using RC receiver .

my channel is

1- Aleron
2- Elev
3- Thr
4- Raddar
5- Kill switch.
6- Mode
7- Servo
8 - Camera switch.
9- Gimbal tilt
10 - Gimbal Pan
11- Relay switch
12- Relay switch.

How can I fit all these channels using MP joystick setting ?

currently there is no way to support channels above 8

Will it allow 2 joysticks? head tracker would be nice from the laptop…

What if you do not use an rc controller? Would a regular joystick use more?

It is an ardupilot limitation as far as i know, MP would have no probs in supporting override above channel 8. From what i understand from 3.7 ardupilot will support override up to 16 channels, so i guess we will have to wait a couple more months untill 3.7 is out. I asked in the 3.6 forum some clarification but didn’t get an answer yet.
If you search rc override in ardupilot github repository you’ll find what i just wrote about 3.7 support.

Hi - Is this still the same? Can all 16 be enabled when using Joystick?
Thank you -