Joystick problems

Hi, I am trying to setup my copter (quad running 3.3-RC10) to use a Joystick. Everything goes well till I go to test the controls. The buttons work, I can switch modes, arm, disarm. The pitch, roll, yaw, ch 7 ch8 controlls do not work or are not getting to the copter. I see all of them moving in the joystick setup screen but not on the TX calibration screen or on the copter (I tried with the props off)

Not sure what to try next?



Please excuse the possibly “no sh*t” advice…but are you sure the joystick was enabled during radio calibration?

Hi, Yeah, it was enabled. I followed the instructions. first enabled the joystick, then connected the MP to the copter. Like I said it will arm/disarm and change modes. Only the controlls on the “top” part of the joystick setup will not work on the copter side. they also happen to be all POT controlled switches that do not work.


Re-reading your post, when you say “was the joystick enabled during radio calibration” do you mean the radio TX (regular 8ch rc controller) needs to be recalibrated while the joystick is enabled? I did not do that, my radio tx has already been calibrated.

after reading the post I did try to caliberate the joystick on the tx radio calibrate page in MP but nothing moves.

I also tried other versions of MP and a diffrent copter with a apm25 (final ver FW) on it instead of the pixhawk with 3.3-rc10 on it, same results


What RX and TX are you using? You say the quad arms and your mode switches are working, do you have the other knobs that you want on ch7 and 8 mapped on your TX?

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

I am using a Taranis with an Immersion UHF tx and rx (but I have also tried on a different copter using the frsky 2,4ghz rx) the mode switches are working via the buttons on the joystick, the ones that do not work are the ones that directly replace the taranis controls, like roll, pitch, yaw, throttle, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8. (all of the controls on the top half of the joystick setup screen) also they are supposed to move the green bars in the tx calibration screen in MP but do not. with the joystick I am using buttons instead of ch5, ch6, ch7 and ch8 I use for different things. I do usually set ch7 as simple mode.


[quote=“outlawzz”]What RX and TX are you using? You say the quad arms and your mode switches are working, do you have the other knobs that you want on ch7 and 8 mapped on your TX?

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk[/quote]

Are you using this as PWM??

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

[quote=“outlawzz”]Are you using this as PWM??

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk[/quote]

Hi, I am using a single cable between the rx and the pixhawk, PPM SUM. I noticed the RCOVERIDECH(1-8) in the status tab of the MP they all move with the joystick.



I finally figured it out, so simple, it was a Parameter I had not seen before.


On my copters it was set to 253 I dont know how it happened as I dont remember ever even seeing this param. In any case it al started working once I changed it to 255.


Hey glad to hear you got it…

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

I wonder if perhaps one of the other GCSs changed that parameter. That would be very bad behaviour if so.

I’ll add a note to the Joystick wiki page so that if others this problem they have the solution.

Thanks for figuring this out.