Joystick Graphical Resonse in Setup General no longer works on latest daily build

The graphical response of joystick roll/pitch/yaw/throttle is no longer being displayed in the latest daily build of QGroundControl. This was functioning in an earlier dialy build.

To go to the page in question, select the following option sequence

Daily build 2021-03-07 - not working
Daily build 2020-11-30 - correct response to joystick input

This is a QGroundControl.AppImage version installed on Linux Mint 19.3 (Ubuntu 18.04)
Flight Controller Omnibus F4 V3 Pro with Ardurover 4.0 installed.

Joystick operation of the rover still works correctly on the latest daily build.
The issue only affects visual confirmation on QGroundControl that the joystick controls are correct before applying them to the autopilot.