
Hi all! I have a 500mm quad build with bunch of inexpensive parts - it flies OK but I am about to give up on battling jelly effect in videos that it takes. What is the most likely reason for this? I already took obvious steps like balancing props and motors and sticking sorbothane and moongel in different places between motors and camera. APM logs do not show excess of vibrations. Parts that I have:

  • A2212 1000KV motors - I tried swapping motors to identical ones that id not help
  • 9047 plastic props
  • 500 REPTILE frame
  • brushless gimbal


Please provide tlogs and/or dataflash logs to help troubleshoot your issue.

Sure, thanks for looking.

It s a bit out of the purpose of this forum as I guess it depends on which camera you are using.
If it is a gopro or alike it will improve dramatically if you add a ND filter to the lens.