Issue with my SITL Rover using gazebo

Hello everyone,

I’m experiencing an issue with my rover simulated in Gazebo using ArduPilot. No matter what command I send, my rover only moves backward in a straight line. I have checked my SDF file multiple times but can’t seem to identify the source of the problem.

Hi @sarah_gress, not sure if you saw the update to your ackermann rover question here: SITL with Gazebo for Rover - #4 by rhys. The modified ackermann_steering.sdf example works with Rover from master with a minor tweak to some of the speed and steering gains.

I’ve seen it, thank you! I forgot to reply earlier, but I use a skid-steer vehicle.

Currently, I have a new issue. When I connect my SITL with my Gazebo model, there is a “error pos vertical variance.”

When I look at the MP window, I see that it is spinning around all axes. I think it is lost.

I don’t understand why this is happening. Could you help me, please?