Is this normal?

With the console window open in mission planner I am having these INFO lines with lost packets scrolling constantly. This happens when the IRIS+ is unarmed just sitting next to the laptop running mission planner.

Is something wrong with my radio, is this a configuration problem, or are these INFO entries normal?


Looks like a bug they have not corrected yet in mission planner.

Each Mavlink packet has a sequence number so you know if you dropped one. Apparently Mission Planner can’t add.


how where you connected? 3dr radio? antenna tracker? etc?

Connected via 3DR Radio… standard setup with the IRIS+


can you post the tlog? as it may show why it is happening

In module MAVLinkInterface.cs the packet counter is one more than it is and so we lost 255?

                if ((buffer[0] == 'U' || buffer[0] == 254) && buffer.Length >= buffer[1])
                    // check if we lost pacakets based on seqno
                        byte packetSeqNo = buffer[2];
                        int expectedPacketSeqNo = ((MAVlist[sysid].recvpacketcount + 1) % 0x100);

                            if (packetSeqNo != expectedPacketSeqNo)
                                MAVlist[sysid].synclost++; // actualy sync loss's
                                int numLost = 0;

                                if (packetSeqNo < ((MAVlist[sysid].recvpacketcount + 1))) // recvpacketcount = 255 then   10 < 256 = true if was % 0x100 this would fail
                                    numLost = 0x100 - expectedPacketSeqNo + packetSeqNo;
                                    numLost = packetSeqNo - MAV.recvpacketcount;
                                MAVlist[sysid].packetslost += numLost;

                                log.InfoFormat("lost pkts new seqno {0} pkts lost {1}", packetSeqNo, numLost);


                            MAVlist[sysid].recvpacketcount = packetSeqNo;
                    // packet stats
                    if (double.IsInfinity(packetspersecond[buffer[5]]))
                        packetspersecond[buffer[5]] = 0;

                    packetspersecond[buffer[5]] = (((1000 / ((DateTime.Now - packetspersecondbuild[buffer[5]]).TotalMilliseconds) + packetspersecond[buffer[5]]) / 2));

                    packetspersecondbuild[buffer[5]] = DateTime.Now;
