Is this model too small for ArduPlane?

Serial3 was set for GPS as well as Serial4. Setting SERIAL3_PROTOCOL to 2 instead of 5 has resolved the issue. Thank you.

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The RCMAP_x params are still configured for AETR, so it’s expecting aileron on RC1.

ARMING_RUDDER is also on.

So what I think is happening is that there is confusion somewhere in the setup between your radio and the controller. Make sure that the RCMAP parameters match how you have your radio configured. It defaults to AETR but you can use whatever you want. Also you can turn off ARMING _RUDDER if you want, since you have RC8 setup for arming.

And please leave ARMING_CHECKS,1. You’re a heli guy, you get it. and it helps trouble shoot because MP will tell you what the error is.

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Thanks for your reply Allister. AETR is what I intend, but the four PWM outputs I’m using on my F405 controller are 3,4,5, and 6 so I’ve configured them accordingly.

Good point about turning ARMING_RUDDER off; and I’ll set ARMING_CHECKS back to 1.

I’ve now reversed the main channels in my Tx, instead of in Arduplane, so I’ll verify that that works tomorrow.

Just to clarify, the RC inputs don’t need to match the output channels. For example, aileron is RC1 input, but output can be on whatever servos you identify as SERVOx_FUNCTION,4. And you can set up multiple outputs for the same function, with their own reversing, MIN/MAX and trims. So you could have multiple channel outputs for the ailerons which is very handy some times.

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Ahh! I think that’s where I made a mistake; I’ve been correlating RCx to SERVOx, whereas I believe what you’re saying is, for example, on my model aileron is RC1 but SERVO3. Thanks again Allister.

With a clear mind I should get it sorted tomorrow. Don’t know how I’ve managed with my helis, for they all have outputs assigned to different numbered channels. Must be old age!


Got there in the end! Reset all my transmitter settings to normal, then reversed RC1 and RC4 (ailerons and rudder) in Arduplane. Then SERVO3, 4, 5 and 6 (AETR) all needed to be reversed to get the correct operation. So manual control and Arduplane corrections all work the right way now.

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One last question: I see that by default there’s a small amount of rudder mixed with ailerons in both manual and assisted modes (e.g. FBWA), and I also see that its amount can be configured with KFF_RDDRMIX.

I’ve never used aileron/rudder mix while flying manually, though I do sometimes manually apply some rudder the same direction as ailerons with certain models. The way Arduplane is working on my model at the moment it is applying rudder the same direction as ailerons. Is this considered normal for a high-wing tail-dragger bush plane? Would I be better off reducing KFF_RDDRMIX to 0 for my first flights (it’s at 0.5 by default)?

KFF_RDDRMIX<KFF_RDDRMIX> mut not be set to 0 (the default value is 0.5) for checking rudder movement in FBWA as the plane is rolled away from level. If no automatic coupling of rudder to aileron for coordinated turns by the autopilot is desired, then reset it to zero after this setup check.

Thanks Dave. I’ll see how it behaves during setup flights, and only adjust it after them if I don’t like it.

I usually just leave it at default and it’s one of those things I tweak later on (if at all) once most of the tuning is done. You’ll probably want some on a high wing bush plane.

@abenn1 I’d like to do the same but not with the model B, I have two Eclipson models ( A and V ) but I’m going to start with a Titant Dynamic model with the micro talon.
Were you able to make your first flight?
If so, could you share your opinion on this first experience and if you had to adapt certain things/parameters?

The weather has been far too windy, so my Model B hasn’t flown with Aruduplane yet. I’ll try to remember to post when I’ve made a flight.

Today was ideal weather. I took off and climbed to a ‘safe’ height in manual mode, then switched to autotune for the remaining 9 minutes or so. The flight was fantastic – it just felt like a much larger model and was, obviously, very stable. I did feel I would like to be able to roll to a greater angle than it allowed, and I feel like I need a bit more aileron-rudder mixing than the default value. I’m now reading the wiki to figure out what autotune has told me, and what adjustments I need to make.