Hello fellow Arducopter flyers,is there A yaw 270 (aka moving baseline for GPS) system that uses a smaller distance than 30cm seperation.
I would like to try this on ,y Hexsoon 450 in the near future,many thanks in advance.
Hello fellow Arducopter flyers,is there A yaw 270 (aka moving baseline for GPS) system that uses a smaller distance than 30cm seperation.
I would like to try this on ,y Hexsoon 450 in the near future,many thanks in advance.
Sorry Marty, but if you reduce that distance the yaw angular precision will suffer. It might be unusable.
Thank you Amilcarlucas,I kinda thought it would affect the geometry now I need to find an other challenging project for my hexsoon 450 just recently ive had so much fun in general with the Hexsoon,it is so great to go out and fly it and come home and try to read logs and look at videos,it gives me a purpose every day walk doggie,fly hexsoon and phone 3DXR bestest suporter of Ardupilot