Is the parameter in error?

I am Mr. Noh
I have a question.
Drone move the altitude up and down by about ±5m, and the difference between gs and as is about 5m/s.
Could it be that the parameters are wrong at this time?
Our aircraft is vtol (4+1). The parameters are as shown in the picture below.
Check plz

Welcome to the community :wave:t2:

Please provide a .bin flight log file of the flight during which this behaviour was observed.

I’m sorry. The reply was late because I was working.
Please check other bin files as well.

first file log_ Log request from forum question
second file log_ new log request

  1. Cause
  2. Main causes of accidents

Please . thank you

and sorry : I have one more question.
It is VTOL(4+1).
Is guided in quadcopter mode possible in Mission Planner?
Q_GUIDED parameters have been checked. Is this actually possible?

If it is in RTL mode due to failsafe
Is there a parameter that increases altitude faster?