Is Skystars H7 HD fine?

Hi, I had a Speedybee F405 V3 STACK but after problems with the compass and GPS I want to change FC. Is the Skystars H7 HD good and mainly without problems? If you have built any drone with this FC I would be glad to know what components you used, especially ESC and GPS + Compass.

I haven’t used it, but it doesn’t have a SD card slot, which would be a deal-breaker for me.

Why? What’s the problem with that?

You only have 16MiB of onboard flash to store logs, which is smaller than the log file for a single typical flight.

I will be using mavlink, so as far as I know it is possible to log in via it. So it shouldn’t be a problem.

That doesn’t have anything to do with log storage. Batch logging (what’s available w/o an Sd card) can be limiting. Log files are a crucial element in the tuning process.
Use search here on the forum for that Flight Controller and you will find some info. Not much but some…

I was trying to find something. But as you write, there’s not much. On the other hand, with speedybee f405 v3 there is a lot and it’s not very good. So which FC would you recommend?