Is my Pixhawk1 a throw away?

In ALT Hold my Pixhawk1 (Ver 3.4.6) will maintain a altitude for a short period then randomly jumps or down a few meters. This behavior repeats itself but seems worse when a gust of wind hits it.The only parameter I can see is the Altitude Hold P rate which is set to 1. I have put another Pixhawk in the frame and it fly’s well so it is not airflow around the frame. I also opened the case and it seemed clean and had some foam in one corner which I understand reduces wind surges to the baro sensor?
Looks like a throw in the garbage bin to me???


Are you using the exact same parameters on both of your pixhawks?

You don’t mention it but flight behaviour depends a lot on these…

You probably checked that of course, just came to my mind though… as all else being equal physically… it’s the software settings that would make the difference probably.


Thanks Christian,
The PIDs are the same for both pixhawks and the only parameter I can find that would effect Alt hold is the Alt hold P which is set at 1.
I think the bar sensor is failing but not sure how to check that?

Have you tried loading a different firmware…like one for rover or plane…then reload the latest “copter 3.4.6” firmware…try it…