Is Mission Planner Arduplane SITL working?

Since yesterdays Misson Planner update I have been having issues, it could very well be me. I have tried on 1.3.50 and but no joy. It was working until I updated.

Just wanted to open new Topic on this…

Never tried SITL before. Today wanted to try the RF8 Flightaxis SITL and when I click on the Plane Symbol in MP it cannot connect. Quadcopter is working though, but I need plane for my tailsitter.

Is this what you experienced?

(Tried with 51.0 and 51.1)

@Michael_Oborne Can you help?

Yes that is what happens to me, actually a little more, it loads the first two or three parameters and then fails.

Mhh. Just tried .49 and .50 also and same problem. But Copter works on every version.

@tridge which version are you using? Afaik its working with yours!?

Thank goodness it’s not just me!

Seems to be working this morning (hooray), I note though that most ADS-B traffic is heading north…

Seems to be working this morning (hooray), I note though that most ADS-B
traffic is heading north…

That’s to balance out the birds heading south for your Winter.

Yes, its also working here!

sorry about that, it was a bug which we’ve just fixed in master

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Thanks Tridge, I have been thrashing it again !