Is it possible to simulate RC Failsafe in SITL?

I am using a companion computer that was programmed by someone else.

However, it appears that this companion computer is generating fake RC signals and mess up inside, which related to a mysterious accident. During Auto mode flight, when the GCS failsafe was triggered, the copter should have continued its mission, but it suddenly returned to waypoint 1.

I have already configured the parameters on the copter “Continue if in Auto on RC failsafe”, “Continue if in Auto on GCS failsafe”, and “Continue if in Guided on RC failsafe”. but the auto mission did not contiunue.

To replicate this error, I want to simulate an RC failsafe in SITL. Although switching to another mode while in Auto did not affect the auto mission(after changing back to auto, it continued from the last command) I want to confirm if this also applies to failsafe.

However, I couldn’t find a way to simulate an RC failsafe in SITL, in mission planner.

I want to trigger RC failsafe during the Auto mode flight. not from the first boot up…

Do you have access to this parameter:


how did you find this great thing?

it works great

Here is the documentation for SITL parameters:

I have read many official documents about SITL, but I omit to read this one. thank you very much for this great thing