Is it possible to program the computers?

I am part of a battle bots team and i have been asked to do a job where i have to invert the controls if the controller is rotated. Is it possible to program the computer to do this or will i have to do it through something else?

You need to explain yourself properly and add a lot more details before anyone can answer your question.

What all details would you like to know?

What controller?
Rotated in which direction?
What software are you referring to? RC transmitter? GCS? FC?

We are using a Spektrum NX6, rotated right or left 180 degrees and RC transmitter

You probably should do that using a RC hardware switch to reconfigure the RC transmitter mixes

Ok, do you have a suggestion on what i should use to do so?

That sounds like something you might be able to do with Open Source radio firmware like OpenTx/EdgeTx. Spectrum? Ha, I think not but don’t know. I dumped all my Spectrum stuff years ago.

Ok, i will have to look into it because that is what we have right now. I am gonna try EdgeTX, OpenTX hasn’t been updated since last April.

If you want to inquire about EdgeTx I would suggest the Discord channel. There is an RCG forum thread also where the dev’s answer questions.

Ok, i will have to check it out, thanks.