Is it possible to make MissionPlanner connect to RadioLink T8FB to send mission command to ArduCopter (w/ mega2560)?

Hi, Is it possible to make MissionPlanner connect to RadioLink T8FB to send mission command to ArduCopter (w/ mega2560)?

I searched a bit on the web, but didn’t find the answer. Anyone knows? and what’s the connection steps? connect RadioLink RC to MissionPlanner using USB?

Do I need to do some C++ programming to make it happen?

This should really be moved to Hardware>Unsupported Hardware. Radiolink has been in violation of Ardupilot’s GPLv3 license for years.

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You mean they have a customized version MissionPlanner?

Anyways, I’m just a user, and my board is mega2560 (not their MiniPix), the RC is sold on Amazon.

Radiolink are bad actors and the Mega2560 hasn’t been supported in many years. 7 or so.

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