I understand from 1.3.55 Flight Data and Flight Plan don't match that the Flight Data screen shows what is on the drone and so it makes sense that it would only show the mission waypoints after a load to/from the drone. But, with a large number of waypoints and a mission that takes hours, as I run on my mower, I would like to be able to transfer the waypoints from the Flight Plan screen to the Flight Data screen directly. I may have to stop a mission in the middle and resume at a certain waypoint later or, for other reasons, I may exit Mission Planner and want to start back later. Reading the waypoints back from the mower over telemetry is quite time consuming. Is there a way to do this?
Also, I really like the new “Write WPs Fast” option, but I do not think it transfers the waypoints to the Flight Data screen. Only the slower standare “Write WPs” does that.
Thanks for any help!