Is it OK to treat an OctoPlane as a QuadPlane?

I am now building an OctoPlane like this;

When I designed it I did not know that this is classified as Octo H and I planned to treat it as a QuadPlane with X frame type. My idea was to combine motor 1 with 3, 2 with 4, 5 with7 and 6 with 8 by connecting their ESC signal lines with Y harnesses. Motors 1&3 and 6&8 are CW and motors 2&4 and 5&7 are CCW. Thus, Motors 2&4 are connected with output 5, 5&7 are with output 6, 1&3 are with output 7 and 6&8 are with output 8.
For yaw control augmentation I made all motors are tilted outward by 2 deg.

Is this my design OK?

Octo-H VTOL has the same Motor layout and direction as Copter Octo-H

And, suggest you have an ESC per motor.

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Hello, for this layout I recommend using scripting, You can setup the 6DoF motor configuration with attitude_control:set_forward_enable(true) for the two forward propelling motors in the picture as well to provide better yawing, These two scripts might help you understand.

Thank you for your suggestion.
I know the standard way to fly my OcotPlane is treat it as an Octo-H.
But I have designed it with propellers tilted outward like X frame type by mistake.
So that is why I had an idea to treat it as a Quad-X by combining motors. Each motor has its own ESC but the signal lines for ESC1 and ESC3 are connected by Y harness and plugged with same Output-7. Other motors are combined same way.

Does this my idea work well? Or it is not an good idea, is it possible to treat it as an Octo-X, i.e. Q_FRAME_CLASS=3 (Octa) and Q_FRAME_TYPE=1 (X frame) and all motors rotational direction are revesed from those of Octo-H?


Thank you for your recomendation. But I am a new commer for this field and it is very difficult to use the script. Also my plane has 8 VTOL motors (not 6) and 2 forward pushing motors.

My current concern is that is it OK to treat it as a Quad-x by combining two motors. If it is not recommended, is it OK to treat as a Octo-X by all the motor rotational derections are reversed from that of Octo-H?

Hi, 6DoF does not mean 6 motors. Also, I just realized this is ArduPlane, not ArduCopter. I’m not very familiar with ArduPlane, so I don’t think I can be of much help here.

I think using a y-cable to two motors is a bad idea. I would take @dkemxr 's suggstion and go with Octo-H, even with the motors angled out. I can’t put my finger on it, but I just have this feeling if you try to run it as a quad as you have laid out you won’t be able to tune or control it well. It might fly, but I feel going to the Octo-H will actually allow you get proper performance out it. The code is there, you don’t have to re-invent anything.

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Thank you your comment.
How about to treat it as Octo-X as I described above?

Why are you reluctant to use the configuration that is meant for your airframe?

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Because I had made outward motor tilt that is bad direction for a H frame.

It may not be ideal, but it will be better than trying to use a configuration that is for a completely different airframe.

Thank you for your comments.
I will think again which is better; take your advise or redesign it with innner motor tilting.