IRIS Setup : Compassmot required / recommended?

Since the IRIS manual does not mention any pre-flight procedure concerning calibration, (Compass, ACC ) I ve been used to do with my APM, I wonder if it is (strongly ?) recommended to do compassmot as well ?

Or do the IRIS DEFAULT parameters already imply an IRIS specific compassmot preset, assuming that one IRIS is equipped like all IRIS ?

I did not find any values changed in the parameter list …

I don’t think that compassmot is required because the GPS+compass module is mounted on the underside of the top case so it’s quite far from the ESCs. I guess it would be good to check what values compassmot comes up with but I suspect they will be under 15% which probably means we can get away without doing it.
I’ve personally never noticed a problem with my Iris.

Good to hear Randy, I figured, that the 40mm distance Compass / ESC is not far enough.

I would do it anyway - it is easy and harmless and can eek a bit more performance and consistency out of the magnetometer

I tried a compassmot and it did not work properly. It showed %0 percent so I figured there wasn’t any interference. Next time I powered up the HUD was drifting and showing extreme attitude angles. Went and checked the offset values and they all said NaN (or something similar). I reset them back to 0 and everything worked fine from there. Not sure what happened.

That’s definitely a bug!

I am haveing the same issue on my PixHawk when I attempt the compassmot. I am using the Pixhawk on a 3DR Quad, all 3dr Components…

Any news on this issue?


[quote=“uavpilotjoe”]I am haveing the same issue on my PixHawk when I attempt the compassmot. I am using the Pixhawk on a 3DR Quad, all 3dr Components…

Any news on this issue?


3.1.5 will correct it.