
Is there anything in the works to have APM available on an iPad?

Do you want to use the iPad as autopilot?

LOL yea I’ll be flying 1/4 scale :lol No sorry I mean a version of APM planner ground satiation

Then you should have posted that question to the APM Planner subforum ^^. I moved this topic there for you now.

Sent from my Ainol Novo 7 Fire using Tapatalk

APM planner 2.0 only runs on a desktop os. You need iOS app for iPad.

Yes an iOS app. None available now that I know of was just wondering if anybody knows if there is any movement towards getting one working and or approved by apple which I understand is not easy to do they are very picky about what runs on their devices. I know dji has an app that runs on an iPad so it’s possible. I have a droid tablet but have not been overly impressed.

yes, me :wink: communistech.com/blog/mavpil … beta-test/

Holy crap that’s great! I find the best thing in a ground station is to simply give you a verbal on bat, alt, and mode changes which seems to be precisely what you did. Having that on my iPhone would be sweet! I’d be more than happy to test and donate! :smiley: I do need some guidance on Bluetooth Low Energy link? I get the idea. I have a pair of RFD 900 and several 3DR radios as well. The ‘Bluetooth Low Energy link’ is the ticket around apples PITA attitude about the license to use the lightning connector so I hear. But I am not as tech savvy enough to know where to get that little gadget. Any help would be appreciated!!

“This recruitment has ended. Thanks for your interest!” :cry: say it aint so!!!

I should post a new blog entry. I’ve dropped BLE for now as the data rat is too low. I have found that using a small WiFi router (the size of an XBee radio) works really well. And this also avoid HW verification from Apple.

see communistech.com/blog/support/ for more details on that.

[quote=“billbonney”]I should post a new blog entry. I’ve dropped BLE for now as the data rat is too low. I have found that using a small WiFi router (the size of an XBee radio) works really well. And this also avoid HW verification from Apple.

see communistech.com/blog/support/ for more details on that.[/quote]
Thanks! PS my wife is going to be very angry with you when she can’t find me for a couple days while I’m hiding in the basement playing with wires :laughing: