For Copter 3.6 an inverted flight function was introduced for heli. This was originally put in the code for the collective pitch quadcopter frame, which actually is not a helicopter. It shares no common traits with heli’s - the only reason this frame ended up in helicopter is because it uses the Heli RSC system to control its throttle.
At the time it must’ve looked like a good idea to add inverted flight for helicopters too. So it was put in and only ever tested in the Sim. This was done before Bill and I took over heli. When I learned about it I was probably the first one to actually test it in a real helicopter. It was found to not work correctly.
It is a function that can be assigned to the function switch in your transmitter. You can flip the switch and it rolls the helicopter inverted. When it was found to not work right I threatened to just remove it from the code. As we already have acro and you can fly inverted all you want and everything works correctly in acro. Then we forgot about it and moved on to other projects.
Copter 3.6 rc1 then arrived on the scene for testing and what do we have for new features in heli? Oh yeah - inverted flight. What do we do with that? Bill and I are not comfortable with having something in the code that is known to not work right. So I put together a branch to remove it. But this controversial because it’s a new feature, despite the fact it don’t work right. So Bill came up with a more elegant solution to leave in place for the CP quad and disable it for heli. The PR that disables it is here, with the discussion on it.
We are inquiring about interest from our users in this feature. Since it does not work properly we refuse to have it in the mainstream code. And we feel it is unneeded in heli anyway. But if somebody wants to play with it and develop autonomous aerobatic features we will create a special ArduHeli dev branch for it and provide a build with it enabled. So users can experiment with it if they want. If there is no interest it is a waste of time and we have much more important things to work on in heli.
So please voice your opinion. If there is even one user interested, it is easy to reverse the code in the PR and do your own build with it enabled. Or if you do not know how to do that, we will provide a special build for you to experiment with it.