i am trying to control a relay via the aux relay ports of my pixhawk.
I got is all set up fine but pixhawk apparently sets the signal pins to “1” during boot and then to “0” then boot is done. this means that my relays fire up in the beginning and then turn of. I need to compensat this and the idea is to invert the relay do that it stays on “1” after boot.
Here comes the problem. I am not able to reverse the RC8 and RC7 (connected to the relay and relay2) so that a low RCin results in a “1” output. I could do the invert on the taranis RC but since I also use a companion pc in guided mode this will boot slower than the pixhawk and result in the same problem.
Can someone tell me if I amdoing something wrong? Should i be able to invert the RC that are connected to the relay pins using RCX_REVERSED.
OR does someone have another idea to solve this?