Invalid channel option (171) on Compass Calibration

Invalid channel option (171)

There is Topic with same problem, but there is an older version and no solution for me. So, excuseme for new Topic.

Help me please!
I get Invalid channel option (171) when I try to use Onboard Compass Calibration via switch on transmitter.

ArduCopter V4.3.7 [c8506ed4] (Custom with IRC Tramp added)
ChibiOS: a97ccb41

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[ ] AntennaTracker
[X] Copter
[ ] Plane
[ ] Rover
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Airframe type

Hardware type
FC Matek F405-TE

P.S.: compass is detected by FC ))

I will answer here as well. Compass learn is not 171 but option 62 in copter
rc_options for copter 4.3.7

Use Magfit instead.

Thank You for help!
But I don’t know what is it.
Can You give me a link please?

You will want to use MAVExplorer, it’s very simple. Don’t be concerned with all the stuff about Python, all you need is a Desktop shortcut to drop the log file on.

As far as I know it’s a completely different setup.
Compass learn
Am I wrong?

So there is no ability to calibrate in a field before flight without laptop (just TX and copter)?

Do a standard calibration wherever, it doesn’t haven’t to be great. Make a flight in whatever Mode you want and do some figure 8’s and some throttle changes. Then using that log follow the Magfit process. Regardless of how you get it done this is the best way for compass calibration and Compass Motor Compensation. Both done at once.

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there is set a rc switch to option 62. follow these instructions here

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