Internet data connection required on tablet?

My googlefu is weak tonight. Can anyone tell me if you need a data plan or wifi connection to the internet on a tablet in order to use Droidplanner and load the google satellite or other map tiles… or are they preloaded with the app. Any help is appreciated, thank you!

I believe, like MP, Droidplanner will need an Internet connection to access Google maps to provide satellite imagery of the vehicle GPS position. However, if Droidplanner is like MP, you can store map tiles in the application for use when an Internet connection is not available in the field.
TCIII Developer

To complement TCIII awnser.

You will need an Internet connection (WiFi or 3G) to download the app, and for the first startup (so google releases the app access to the maps api).

After that it will keep a cache of the last places you visited on the app, but since this is internal to the maps API we don’t have control of how much is stored. So for a more permanent solution we allow the user to use it’s own imagery, stored in the memory of the device. Here is a link with more detail of how to do that: … fline-Maps

Currently we don’t have a way to download the imagery files from the internet ( we have an open issue, just need to find a good place to download that data), but you can use the files that are downloaded via Mission Planner (just copy to the android device as explained on the ink above).

I hope this solves it.

It does, thank you!