I made a F405 circuit board myself. After flashing the firmware, you can connect to the computer and flash the firmware normally (F405WING, MATEK). But after running for a period of time (about 5 minutes) an internal error pops up in the message box: internal errors 0X800 L: 240
I don’t know the reason for this error. So there is no solution for the time being. Would you like to ask if you have encountered this error? If you can help, thank you very much.
that is a watchdog reset. “4.1.0-dev” version is not latest. Please see if it reproduces with the latest firmware from https://firmware.ardupilot.org/Copter/latest/
and then reproduce with LOG_DISARMED=1 and you will get a log after the watchdog reset. Please make that log available
The DIY circuit board MPU6000-int pin is not properly connected to the PC4 pin of the STM32F405 microcontroller. I will re-make the circuit board and check whether the fault will occur. thank you for your help
There is no SD card slot on the circuit board. I can’t get the log.
After I improve the int pin of the circuit board, the fault will still appear.
(After using the latese firmware)
The fault will occur after a period of operation, which may be several minutes or hours
The fault also occurred in the flight today, and the flight control did not restart,
But it seems to be related to the receiver of crsf. The following is the information received through data transmission.