Internal errors 0x100000 l:925 flow_of_ctrl”


On FW 4.4 I got this error: "Internal errors 0x100000 l:925 flow of_ctrl”. Whar does that mean and what is the root cause please



Could be processor load. Each firmware update adds stuff and is likely to add load to your processor. Not much but at some point it will start to show.

I’ve encountered this once before. It occurred during flight on my cube black. I solved it by disabling one of three IMUs to lighten the load on the processor.

The issue was mainly the load but a bit more complicated than that.

What FC are you using?

On this copter I use a Radiolink Minioix. I know it is not an ideal one but for this miniquad a good choice. Never had an issue with it.



I wouldn’t say anything from Radiolink is a good choice with their bad behavior towards Ardupilot but @Axel1 is right, it’s a detection of a delay in the main loop.