Internal error mapfailure

HI everyone.
I am trying to design my controller for which I wrote own mode. It all seems to work but I in recent flights I have an internal error which is

Prearm: Internal error l:10000 mapfailure

I read about this error in codes and it seems to be a problem with logs but it occurs even when I comment all logs. This error makes the board to go failsafe and I can’t arm it on standard modes.
This isn’t such big problem and during my flights it doesn’t disturb my quad, but it would be great to solve it.

Thanks in advance.

Have you created any custom log messages?
That appears to be a problem allocating a new log message type.

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Yes, I created my log messages, but even if I comment them this error doesn’t dissappear.

I’d double check that. Maybe look for differences in logging between your code and master.

Checked, no differences. All logs are written correct.

We still need to cast a float variable to double for logging, yes?

This is what I do: Debugging — Dev documentation