Internal error 0x3000 after a video lost and RTL mode and plane lost motor

Hi guys,

After loosing video signal, I put the plane in RTL mode and the Plane wasn´t ok - losing speed and altitude.

I have a plane with Ardupilot 4.4.1 with an O3 unit and I flew several - more than 30 times with this setup.
Today I was flying and I lost my video(O3+Goggles 2) - I activate the RTL and after a few moments the video came back and I perceived the plane was losing altitude and there was no power consuption - around 0.6 ma instead the 6 A, I retake the control using the FWBA mode and I couldn´t gain altitude - the elevons was ok. I land in a field and after 1 hour I could get the plane again, and arriving where the plane was I armed and the motor was spinning ok.
After download the logs I saw a message Internal Error 0x3000 - what means IOMCU error - what can be visualized in the log.

This is the log file.
