Internal compass disappeared when upgrading to 4.5.3

I today upgraded two Mateksys H743 Slim to v4.5.3 using firmware MatekH743-bdshot and in both cases the internal compass disappeared from the compass calibration page of Arducopter.

The previously used v4.4.4 reported the internal compass as a QMC5883L (same as the external one)

I have tried searching the forums but found no answer. Anybody had same problem and found a solution?

MatekH743 boards have no internal compass. So if there was ever one indicated, that was in error.


Many thanks for answering.
The missing compass was an external, my mistake, and the problem had nothing to do with the upgrade, it just showed up at that time.
Sorry for bothering, should have worked more on the issue before asking but my logic could not see the actual cause even though I tried.