Interfacing with Sick Lidar units

Hi Everyone.

Bit of a beginner here in the drone world but I am building a fairly large RC mower with a Pixhawk.
I’ve seen a couple 360 degree lasers that can be used with Ardurover but I’m just wondering if anyone has used something like a SICK PLS101 or LMS200?
The main reason is these units are fairly robust and can be had for a reasonable price (well sometimes)
I’ve found a bit of info about using these with ROS but nothing with Ardupilot, really my main aim is just to have the robot stop if something/someone moves accross its path and resume once the obstruction has passed.


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Hi Simon,

We don’t have drivers for the two 360 lidars mentioned. It’s always possible to add more but it’s an enhancement and that means either a volunteer needs to be found to write that or a company has to step in and sponsor the development. Both of these things can just suddenly happen but it’s hard to predict when. If you’re a developer I’m happy to provide some advice on writing the driver.

At the moment we support the SF40c, TerraRanger Tower and RPLidarA2/A3.

Hi rmackay9

Thanks for the reply, I realy appreciate the time and effort volunteers and developers put into this device and the software that makes project like mine possible, its brilliant really!

I will do some research into the devices that I mentioned and see if I can get my head around how they work, unfortunately I’m not a programmer so I can’t help much in that aspect but I might have to start learning!

I might have to look into the RPLidar too, I’ve seen a few videos of yours on YouTube and it seems to work pretty well!

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Has anyone used the 180 degree SICK LMS200 LIDAR or would it be possible to implement this one in Ardurover? My aim would be the same: have the robot stop if something/someone moves accross its path and resume once the obstruction has passed.