Interdrone 2018 promotional video [APPROVED]

Topic: Funding for Promotional Video for Ardupilot at Interdrone 2018

Proposal type: Hardware [ ] , Software [ ] , Other [ ] : Plane ticket and staying

Description: I use to make videos to promote programming drones through my youtube channel

I’d like to create a promotional video for Ardupilot related to the InterDrone 2018 exhibition. The format should be discussed with the marketing committee, and it might end up being more than one. My idea is creating a short, less than ten minutes video where we show various example of commercial drone and the equivalent do-it-yourself ardupilot powered version (like a copter, a plane, a rover…). This might require the support of other developers, but I think it could help people understand the power of this project.

As I said, I am open to discuss the matter with you

I’d be glad to stay as an Ardupilot team member and sharing the room to save money (I don’t snoar :wink:

Planned amount $$ (USD): 1000/1500 depending whether I would need to cover the entrance. (300 ticket from Tulsa OK, hotel room, eventual pass for the conferences)

Estimated time for completion: 3 weeks depending the video we want to make.

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Hi Tiziano, thanks for your proposal!. Funding team is currently discussing, we’ve also asked the marketing team to get in touch with you to further discuss content.

Personally (as member of funding team) I am in favor, subject to content. We will get back to you shortly, cheers!

I am glad Olivier. I’d be glad to give a contribution. I am available to discuss it (via mumble?)

Sounds good. Marketing team is discussing.

This has been approved by the Marketing Committee. Nick Nunno will provide an update here and coordinate with Tiziano.

Awesome news. I’ll do my best