Install APM Planner on Mac

I am trying to install APM Planer 2.0 for my Mac. I am trying to download APM Planner for Mac from this tutorial but not able to see any deb to download Installing APM Planner for Mac — APM Planner 2 documentation , I tried downloading it from here but I had compatibility issue as I have 2022 Mac with latest software

Not much going on with APM Planner, try QGC instead.

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I am using QGC on my Mac, but am having trouble configuring the Holybro sik telemetry radio v3. Any suggestions?

Can you be more specific regarding what configuration you’re having trouble with? As far as I know QGC won’t let you do anything other than upgrade the SiK radios firmware. Are you having trouble getting them to connect? that’s a different story.

I updated the firmware for both the radios and the pixhawk. And when I connect one radio to my computer and the other to the drone (which is powered by a battery), I can see the vehicle setup page on QGC. This means that there’s probably some connection between the two radios. But radio setup is still red and I don’t know how to move forward as there doesn’t seem to be an option to calibrate the radios.

I hope to do this project without using a remote controller - only the telemetry radios.

It’s probably red because it recognizes the calibration hasn’t been done yet.

It is possible to have a RC-less drone, and just use telemetry. However, you’ll need to at least temporarily use an RC to get the drone set up and flying. Once it’s tuned you can just fly off the telemetry/GCS.

Forget about that aspiration or join the ranks that make that mistake and acquire an RC System after failure. Go ahead and search the forum here.

Or, go to the Tuning Blog and see how far you get w/o one…