Input Vector NAV300 protocol packet from telem2, but the posture keeps rotating

Input Vector NAV300 protocol
packet from telem2, but the posture keeps rotating

Flight control hardware: cubeorange+
Firmware version:arduplane 4.4.0
Modified parameters:
GPS_TYPE2 = 21
(To completely disable internal ins, disable the parameters ins_use1, ins_use2, ins_use3)

I input the Vector NAV300 imu format packet through telem2, but the aircraft attitude displayed by the mission planner keeps rotating and stops when the transmission is stopped, but this is very abnormal.
Can anyone give me some advice?
My goal is to make the flight control adopt the attitude of ExternalAHS, but the flight control only uses the internal AHRS.
Since I’m new to this field, I’m really sorry if I asked stupid questions.

What is Mission Planner showing in the attitude widget? Do I understand correctly that the artificial horizon is rotating even if the aircraft stays in a fixed position?

First of all, thank you very much for your reply. I have been working on other projects in the past two days, so I am very sorry for not responding immediately.

You are right. With the aircraft in a fixed position, I input the data packet in Vector NAV300 imu format through telem2, and the artificial horizon is also rotating. The three axes of pitch, roll, and yaw are constantly changing in one direction. The attached file is the tlog file of my experiment. I hope it can give you a more direct understanding of my situation.
the tlog file of my experiment