Inject RTK base messages: Galileo?

Hi, I am using a L1 base station (M8P) and stream the RTCM messages 1074/1084/1094.

When I inject these in Mission Planner, GPS and GLONASS are recognized but Galileo is not.

The in comparison RTKlib software recognizes the Galileo messages and shows the satellites.

Do I need to configure something?

the original m8p specs say they dont support rtcm injection of galileo.

ive added initial support in MP to decode these messages. but not sure if the m8p will use them.

please try the latest MP beta

Hi Michael,

glad to hear that. At least since firmware V3.01 the M8P and T should see Galileo sats.

EDIT: disregard what I just said above, that does not apply to the P variant. Seems we have to wait for the F9P… :frowning: