Info Mission Planner

I hope not to write in a wrong place. I have a boat with APM board.I wanted to know if it was possible with mission planner or tower drone to create points on the lake. I can create waypoints but I do not care if the boat does a mission. I’m interested in deciding which waypoint to get to the boat without making a route. I hope to be explained. Thank you.

Hi. I’m not quite sure what you mean when you say “I’m interested in deciding which waypoint to get to the boat without making a route.” Can you clarfiy what that means please?

Thanks, Grant.

Thank you for your answer. In the sense that I would only reach the single waypoint saved on the map. I do not want the boat to do a mission is to reach all saved waypoints.

I think I understand. In Mission Planner (MP) you can set a number of waypoints on the map. Then when you decide which one you want to go to you can set it from the Actions tab. Select the waypoint number and click the button “Set WP”. Then go into Auto mode and the boat will go straight to that waypoint. However after getting there it will try to go to the next waypoint so you can either change into HOLD mode once it reaches there or alternatively loiter at each waypoint for a really long time. To loiter set param1 on the waypoint for the number of seconds to loiter - maximum of 65535 seconds

Thanks, Grant.