[Indoor Flight] Looking for a solution for: IRIS+, DroneKit


  • 3DR IRIS+
  • ArduCopter 3.3.2 (Firmware Upgraded)
  • DroneKit (2.0.2)
  • MAVProxy (1.4.38)
  • pymavlink (1.1.66)
  • APM Planner 2.0.18 for Mac OS X

Hello, Pilots

I am looking a solution or an insight for flying my 3DR IRIS+ INDOOR.
My goal is to maneuver IRIS+ with Python function calls using DroneKit
Using keyboard, I would like to mimic RC Controller.
And eventually, these function calls are going to be used to control IRIS+ in X-Y-Z degrees,
based on decisions made by a module,
such as vision-based target following module.

Due to circumstantial issue,
I need to be able to take-off (up to about a 1~2 meters) maneuver all X-Y-Z axis and land,
inside a high ceiling room, but without enough GPS signal.

I’ve followed a few official documents:
Indoor Flying Guidelines: copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/indoor-flying/
Pre-Arm Safety Check: copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/prearm_safety_check
Guiding and Controlling Copter: python.dronekit.io/guide/copter/guided_mode.html
However, I couldn’t get enought help.

I upgraded PIXHAWK Firmware to APM:Copter 3.3.2
From “Guiding and Controlling Copter”, using MAV_FRAME_BODY_OFFSET_NED seems to be helpful for controlling IRIS+ dynamically.
But because this frame is available for only APM:Copter 3.3.2, I had to upgrade.

Since upgrading, IRIS+ became more sensitive about PreArm Checking.
Also, when it’s armed, the rotor are not rotating like before.
I have to increase throttle speed from RC to see the drone taking-off.
However, since my project is to develop a program to operate the drone,
using RC shouldn’t be considered for any reason.

Please help me to find a good solution to use IRIS+ using DroneKit programming more effectively,
even being indoor circumstance.

Thank you.

[quote]when it’s armed, the rotor are not rotating like before[/quote] this can be set in the parameters. MOT_SPIN_ARMED

For indoor flight, there are a few options. we use Pixflow and works very well.

We also use “Local GPS” this is a ultrasonic GPS system. Tale a look at the “Games on Track” system used for model railway. it uses the same system.

Lidar scanner is a good option also. It is easier to implement then image recognition.

image recognition, take a look at the “Red Balloon” DroneKit project .

Processing power on board. After testing MANY options We went for the Odroid XU4 for many reasons. It’s fast, reliable and just works.